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Recently a few newspapers in the UK started talking about the new Japanese fetish called “oculolinctus”. It is also called ‘worming’ informally.

Basically, it consists of licking other people’s eyeballs for sexual purpose. As the eye is full of nerve endings, it is supposed to turn people on and bring them pleasure. Inasmuch as the eye is indeed full of nerve endings, we really discourage anyone from trying this, as the receiver of this ‘practice’ can really get his/her eye damaged!

The eye is a very sensitive organ, and it is easy to imbalance its natural state and chemistry. For example, wearing heavy cheap eye make-up all the time, not drinking enough or staring too much at a computer or TV screen are all things that should be avoided when trying to take care of your eyes.

This is why apparently Japanese teenagers and young adults practising this new “sexual activity” have to wear eye patches afterwards.

Be aware that the eye gets swollen, red and you can also catch infections such as chlamydia if you try this. In the worst cases, you might even end up blind. Please don’t try this.

Bacteria and Eye infections: good news

The Journal PLoS One has published a recent study on how good bacteria can counter-act and fight bad bacteria, found in the eye, that are becoming more resistant to antibiotics, infect the eye and can lead to blindness.

The bad bacteria in question are Serratia marcescens and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. The good bacteria are Micavibrio aeruginosavorus and Bdellovibrio baceriovorus.

Here’s how they tested both in a three-part experiment.

The first part of the research was conducted to see whether the first two (the bad bacteria) actually die because of the last two (the good bacteria).

The second a third experiments were done to see whether the ‘good’ bacteria are actually not harmful to the eye. The second tested the bacteria on the cells that are present in the human eye. The results were that the bacteria did not inflame or irritate the eye cells at all.

In the third experiment, they tested again the bacteria against worms. While the worms died quickly after the injection of the bad bacteria, they had an 11-day survival rate (survival between 93.3 and 100%) after the injection of the good bacteria, suggesting that the bacteria was not harmful to their existence.

After these preliminary tests that exhibited very positive results, we await new tests and research on humans, as it seems that the good bacteria, or predator bacteria, can live in the eye without causing any damage to it and can help eliminate the bad bacteria, or the pathogenic bacteria.

For more information on this research, please visit: http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2013/06/130620191955.htm